Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Establishing Myself on the Path

Hello, again, dear readers!

I'll admit it, I'm a huge fan of Chef Gordon Ramsay.  I think he's just great.  I love watching Hell's Kitchen.  I watch that show like a drug addict does drugs - a lot and often.  I had come across some YouTube videos of other shows that Ramsay had done in Britain and spent several days watching all of them, several times over.  Ramsay is one of the most creative swearers I have ever come across and I love him for it. It is rather a treat to hear him cuss out a motorcycle in English and French.  It's awesome.  Love that guy.

Since watching Ramsay's shows, I developed an interest in digging deeper into this thing called cooking.  I started doing some research on the Internots.  I eventually came across a blog:

http://www.asweetpeachef.com/about/ - A Sweet Pea Chef, a blog written by a lady named Lacey, who went to school, majored in psychology, became a social worker and in 2009 decided to become a personal chef.  Her story and her wonderful recipes were a huge inspiration to start pushing forward, get off my butt and get cooking.

My biggest deal was that I wasn't (and still am not) sure if I'm ready for Culinary School.  It is a tremendous financial hurdle and I'm not sure how much I would get out of it just yet.  Lacey never mentioned Culinary School at all that I could find in her blog.  Not that Culinary School isn't important, because it is, it was great to see someone who had a passion to do something, just jump in there and do it. That's the kind of person I want to be like.

In the next post, I'll tell you about my beautiful new pan and a mistake I may or may not have made.

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