Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Now Have A Plan In Place

During lunchtime, it was mentioned to me that a "significant other" (I can't remember exact designation - either husband or ex-husband) of one of my co-workers has been attending culinary classes at a local community college.  The very some college I have been bouncing in and out of for 2 decades - hehehehe.

It got me thinking.  For those that may or may not know, me thinking can be very dangerous indeed.  This would be no exception.  I think I have a plan now and I'm scheming to get this plan into action.

Here's the deal.  I checked out the community college's Culinary Arts Program.  It looks like an extended version of what I did in the Navy.  How much could I possibly test out of? I have no idea.  I don't know if I'm up for going through all that introductory stuff all over again.

If you've never been through any culinary training, going through weights and measures, recipe conversions, etc., while necessary, are enough to make you want to hang yourself from boredom.  It's bloody awful.  NOT looking forward to it.

So here's the plan, as it stands.  Going to the community college and get an A.A.S.  No, I have NO clue what the A.A.S is for.  Associates in Applied Sciences??  Beats the crap out of me.  Anywhos, they have 2 programs - Culinary Arts and Food Service Management.  I'm pretty sure I want the Culinary Arts program, not sure yet on Food Service management.  We'll see.

After the CAP (Culinary Arts Program - I'm ex-military and a computer nerd - I ADORE Acronyms and abbreviations) I'm thinking Le Ecole Cordon Bleu. One of the oldest (since 1895) and most prestigious culinary schools in Paris, France.  Once there I not sure I'm planning on leaving Paris, dead or alive.

I love Paris.  I was there in 2004 and have been plotting a return ever since.  I really didn't want to leave in the first place but alas I did.  Now I want to go back.  Prior to this, I never really had a reason to return to Paris.  Now I have a very specific reason.

To those who know me, this jump back into cooking and culinary arts might seem a bit abrupt, however, one needs to take into account that the majority of my lifetime has been spent in restaurants and other other food-service based occupations.  I just never really realized how much I missed it until I began cooking again.

So, the long and short is - A.A.S in Culinary Arts at community college then on to Paris to Le Cordon Bleu.  From there - the world becomes my oyster and I get to vomit because I don't get along with oysters at all.  Yay me!

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